National JACL Statement

The JACL Denounces President Trump’s Executive Order Expanding Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp

The JACL denounces President Trump’s Executive Order expanding the Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp to hold as many as 30,000 deported migrants. Guantanamo Bay has imprisoned hundreds of migrants intercepted at sea and more notoriously, suspected enemy combatants who were subjected to torture and denial of basic legal rights. Many who have been held at Guantanamo were never formally charged with a crime and were subject to “arbitrary detention” for years. 

The expansion of Guantanamo to hold tens of thousands of detainees is eerily evocative of a previous time in our nation’s history. Our country last employed mass incarceration of this scale during WWII when over 125,000 people of Japanese ancestry were imprisoned at concentration camps and detention centers across the country. That was also done in the name of “national security” and as it was discovered years later that the security threat was a falsified one, we similarly question the urgent threat to our national security. 

It is noteworthy that the expansion of the Migrant Operations Center at Naval Station Guantanamo Bay would be “a temporary transit … where we can plus-up thousands and tens of thousands, if necessary, to humanely move illegals out of our country, where they do not belong, back to the countries where they came from in a proper process.” We cannot help but draw parallels to how Japanese Americans were forcibly removed from their homes to “temporary detention centers” for an unknown period of time before being transferred without their constitutional right of due process to more permanent incarceration camp sites deep in the American interior on desolate desserts, mountains, plains, and swamps. 

JACL demands that we not repeat the inhumanity of mass incarceration that has become part of our community’s experienced trauma. As so many Japanese Americans understand, the inhumanity and cruelty of what happened during WWII, enforced by our own government, should never be repeated again.

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National JACL Statement

JACL Responds to Inaugural Address

The JACL is deeply alarmed and concerned by the Executive Orders issued by President Trump following his inauguration as our nation’s 47th President. These executive orders threaten to destroy decades of advances in civil liberties and civil rights. The Japanese American Citizens League is especially concerned with Executive Orders calling for the end of birthright citizenship, an escalation of the border crisis including the invocation of the Alien Enemies Act, the overt discrimination towards LGBTQIA+ individuals, and the rollback of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility initiatives including the removal of key governmental programs meant to support marginalized communities and the perversion of Civil Rights laws to advance a white supremacist agenda. 

Much of the language and rhetoric within these orders hearken back to numerous times in our nation’s long-ago history, when our government openly discriminated against marginalized groups particularly our own Japanese American community, echoing all too eerily the months preceding and following Executive Order 9066. The declaration of a “national emergency” at our Southern border, with plans to use “detention centers” resulting in possibly “family separation” directly parallels the trumped-up threat of national security from Japanese Americans during WWII resulting in the mass incarceration of 125,000 people, who were never convicted of a crime or given due process protected under the law. Just as it was then, the invocation of the Alien Enemies Act is being used with the fear of an overstated national security threat to remove fundamental legal protections for immigrants. 

During WWII, two-thirds of the 125,000 men, women, and children forcibly removed from the safety of their homes and incarcerated in American concentration camps were American citizens by birth under the 14th Amendment and affirmed by the Supreme Court Case US v. Wong Kim Ark. They gained this citizenship even as their parents were barred from naturalization due to the racist laws in place at the time. And while it may be a coincidence, the date on which this order would go into effect has even further meaning for Japanese Americans. The order states that it shall go into effect 30 days after its issuance, which falls on February 19th, 2025 — exactly 83 years to the day from the signing of Executive Order 9066 which paved the way for Japanese American incarceration.  

Following the indignity of our community’s incarceration, the JACL recognized the shared experience of discrimination and the need to work together as a nation to implement the instruments to overcome the impediments of structural racism. As we remember the legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr. this week, we recall the fight for the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 which remains the law of the land and continues to lift up the equal rights of protected communities. The administration’s efforts to dismantle Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility programs place it in direct opposition to these laws that all government employees are sworn to uphold, including the President. Dismantling programs like the White House Initiative on Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islanders only cripples the ability of the government to work effectively in our communities.

We especially recognize the ugly hatred directed at the transgender community. Revoking the recognition of transgender people on their federally issued documents will not erase them and pitting transgender people against women and false fears for our children will not be a winning strategy. This strategy failed years ago when it was employed against the broader gay and lesbian communities and it will fail again this time.

JACL opposes these executive orders and the attempts to dismantle generations of civil rights law. In a single day, our nation has once again regressed to a bygone era that engenders fear of communities of color, immigrants, and all those who don’t conform to some people’s view of what it means to be an American. These are not the true threats to our democracy and to our nation that these executive orders would lead us to believe. Our ancestors fought to bring an end to our discriminatory past, to ensure that future generations had a better chance in this nation. We must recognize that there is still much work to be done, that discrimination remains a part of our society, and that now is not the time to roll back our efforts to ensure equal opportunity for all Americans.

National JACL Statement

JACL Commends the Biden Administration’s Apology for Indigenous Boarding Schools

October 25, 2024

For Immediate Release

Seia Watanabe, VP Public Affairs,

Matthew Weisbly, Education & Communications Coordinator,

On Friday, October 25th, 2024, President Biden spoke at the Gila River Indian Community in Arizona and offered an apology for the U.S. government’s past practice of forcibly removing Indigenous children from their families and transferring them to government-operated boarding schools.

As early as 1819 and lasting until the late 1960s, the United States government established and operated boarding schools to “civilize” Indigenous children – what we now recognize as a euphemism for an attempt at the systematic and deliberate destruction of the culture and society of Indigenous communities in the United States. These institutions are a lasting stain on American history and serve as only one of many examples of the mistreatment and bigotry that Indigenous communities have faced at the hands of our government.

Donna Cheung, Civil Rights Chair of the Arizona Chapter of the JACL commented; “From my perspective, a leader who acknowledges and rights a historical wrong reflects a strong, confident nation because such an admission reaffirms the moral centrality of the nation. The apology from a sitting U.S. President to First Nation communities is so significant because the U.S. was founded by displacing these communities. The existence of the U.S. is at a profound cost to Native Americans and that needs to be acknowledged also.”

The JACL recognizes that apologies from the U.S. government are a critical step in addressing discrimination and promoting the healing of generational trauma, which has been felt most poignantly by the Indigenous peoples of the United States. The JACL applauds this historic action by the Biden Administration and expresses our hope that this apology serves as just one step towards meaningful and long overdue restorative justice for the many Indigenous communities in the United States.

National JACL Statement

JACL Calls on White House to End Funding of Israel’s Military and Human Rights Violations 

October 24, 2024

For Immediate Release

Seia Watanabe, VP Public Affairs,

Matthew Weisbly, Education & Communications Coordinator,

As a nearly century-old organization, the JACL has a long history of supporting the civil and human rights of all those targeted by injustice or hate. With this history in mind, and in accordance with Resolution 1, passed with an overwhelming majority at our 2024 national convention, we call for an end to the U.S. government’s funding of the Israeli military, where that aid enables the continued violation of international humanitarian laws, including the Geneva Conventions, and US law including the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, 22 U.S.C. §2378-1. The Foreign Assistance Law expressly prohibits the assistance or the exportation of military weapons to countries that directly or indirectly restrict the transportation or delivery of U.S. humanitarian assistance. 

Israel’s persistent attacks on Hamas have severely impacted Gaza’s health, food, power, and other critical infrastructure, hindering aid efforts while increasing humanitarian needs. Nearly 300 aid workers have been killed since hostilities began in Gaza. Due to the high risk to personnel, many organizations have halted or reduced aid operations including the recent cessation of polio vaccination programs for children in the region. 

The implementation of a de facto “starve-or-leave” policy in northern Gaza is reprehensible and constitutes a clear violation of international law.

To comply with U.S. law and to alleviate the immense suffering in Gaza, the JACL calls on President Biden to end the U.S. government’s military support to Israel that enables state actions in violation of established international conventions. We support the President’s recent indications of his willingness to use such pressure on the Israeli government to end the blockade of humanitarian aid to the region, as well as the efforts of Secretary of State Anthony Blinken to broker a peace settlement that must include the return of all hostages.

National JACL Statement

Jacksonville Shooting Highlights Need to Continue the Work of Racial Reconciliation and Repair as Highlighted by the March on Washington

On Saturday, August 26th, a gunman targeted and killed three people specifically because they were African American. This is another one of the countless shootings which occurred this year already, but tragically comes on a time of remembrance for civil rights history. 

This attack came juxtaposed on a historically symbolic day for civil rights, where JACL joined hundreds of thousands of advocates in honor of the 1963  March on Washington which featured Martin Luther King, Jr.’s I Have a Dream speech. This year’s theme, “A Continuation not a Commemoration” is a renewed commitment to build a nation that lives up to its ideals – one that protects and values Black lives. Following this act of racialized violence, this theme could not hold more truth toward the need to dismantle systemic racism and white supremacy in all forms. 

Just as a quarter million Americans led by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. first marched against segregation 60 years ago, this year’s march both memorialized and advocated for the continuance of the honorable Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s work against anti-Blackness, segregation, and white supremacy. 

In the 60 years since the March’s beginning, our country’s legacy of racism continues to harm, disenfranchise, and claim the lives of Black individuals at the hands of hate-fueled violence. In addition to revealing our country’s longstanding history of anti-Blackness, the shooting also underscored the critical need to ban assault weapons.

The intersection of racism and gun violence is resulting in dire consequences. This is particularly true in a state such as Florida which has passed laws to enable and embolden gun owners to brazenly turn to gun violence as their first option. This mixed with a series of policy changes targeting multicultural and particularly African American communities, incidents such as this are frighteningly more likely to happen. We must do better as a nation if we are to make true on the hopes and dreams of the past.

August 28, 2023

For Immediate Release

JACL National Statement

National JACL Statement

JACL Denounces June 30th Supreme Court Decisions

Following the disappointing decision yesterday by the Supreme Court on affirmative action, the Court has followed up with two more abysmal rulings, again highlighting the radical ideological turn that the Roberts court has taken wielding its 6-3 supermajority.

Despite clear authorization from Congress to act, and in line with relief provisions granted to many wealthy business owners and corporations, the Court demonstrated its contempt for the average American, striking down the President’s student loan forgiveness plan. Combined with the affirmative action decision, the Court affirms its perspective that education should be reserved for an aristocratic minority.

In its other decision today, the Court voted to allow businesses to discriminate against LGBTQIA+ individuals on the basis of religious beliefs. Ironically, the court ruled against affirmative action on the basis of the equal protection clause but does not see our LGBTQIA+ friends and family worthy of the same protection from radical religious zealotry that holds dehumanization and hate as part of its theology.

Combined with yesterday’s decision on affirmative action, these three decisions by the Court are a serious blow to millions of Americans, many of whom are marginalized individuals who now face an uncertain future in varying aspects of their lives. 

In the wake of these decisions, the JACL stands clear in its support of educational access and equity for all students, but especially those most disadvantaged by the extreme financial burden of higher education and the barriers to admission for minority students. We also reaffirm our support yet again for our LGBTQIA+ members, friends, supporters, and the entire LGBTQIA+ community. It has been a year of continued rulings that have taken the liberties of millions of Americans and it is a sad reminder that we must continue to stand against discriminatory laws and legal decisions. 

It is clear from these decisions that the Supreme Court does not stand for justice, nor the American people.

June 30, 2023

For Immediate Release

Seia Watanabe, VP Public Affairs

Matthew Weisbly, Education & Communications Coordinator

National JACL Statement

JACL Disappointed by Affirmative Action Decision

The Japanese American Citizens League is dismayed by the Supreme Court’s decision striking down the use of race as a general consideration in the holistic admissions programs at Harvard and the University of North Carolina. These programs had been constructed in accordance with previous Supreme Court decisions, yet the court once again shows blatant disregard for its own precedent, creating new law.

Today, the majority rejected the precedent that race might be considered generally amongst other characteristics. The Grutter case further affirmed the court’s previous support for diversity as a compelling state interest. The opinion by Justice O’Connor in the Grutter case suggested a time limit of 25 years before affirmative action might not be necessary. Unfortunately, disparities in opportunity due to race remain persistent and pervasive, particularly in the education system and college admissions process. For the court to at once ignore a time frame for affirmative action to be legitimized through court precedent, and shorten it when the disparity clearly remains, is concerning and inexplicable. 

Furthermore, the court asserts, “Many universities have for too long wrongly concluded that the touchstone of an individual’s identity is not challenges bested, skills built, or lessons learned, but the color of their skin.” The court has wrongly concluded that these touchstones of identity are NOT also inextricably linked to one’s racial identity. For Asian Americans, while we may all have unique experiences individually, as the past two years have shown us with the increases in anti-Asian hate, discrimination persists against us because of our race, not because of who we are as individuals. This experience is not unlike that of other students of color.

Also in its arguments, the court uses the Hirabayashi case to establish our nation’s distaste for discriminating based on race. We remind the court that the Hirabayashi case, despite this inspirational quote, did actually affirm that discrimination against a minority was legal. It is that backdrop of historic state-sponsored racism that has necessitated programs such as affirmative action, to redress persistent racism, where this country and its institutions have continued to discriminate systematically against minorities making college less attainable, or even a seat on the Supreme Court that has remained elusive to an Asian American.

It is well known that an overwhelming majority of Asian Americans support affirmative action initiatives. We reject the perpetration of the model minority myth, suggesting that Asian Americans are disadvantaged relative to others presumably, by the plaintiffs and the court majority, less deserving minorities in the admissions process.  While these decisions are limited to higher education for now, they may also set a precedent around similar race-conscious initiatives in hiring and other programs, such as workplace DEI initiatives.

JACL remains committed to ensuring that all Americans have the opportunity to achieve the heights of educational opportunity. We also recognize the scarcity of opportunity at highly selective colleges and universities which means the majority of students applying to these schools will not be accepted, despite being highly qualified themselves. We do believe that colleges are capable of selecting individuals for admission who are qualified, and also support the need for diversity and representation. We reaffirm the court’s past precedent affirming the need to create diversity at schools and reject the court’s rewriting of law in today’s decision.

June 29, 2023

For Immediate Release

Seia Watanabe, VP Public Affairs,

Matthew Weisbly, Education & Communications Coordinator,

National JACL Statement

JACL opposes xenophobic laws

On Monday, May 8th, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed three new laws with the intent to target the Chinese government in the name of national security. The new laws will restrict the Chinese government and many non-resident Chinese citizens from the purchase of farmland, or property near military bases and critical infrastructure, prohibit Florida’s state colleges and universities from partnering with foreign counterparts without approval from the state and will implement a list of banned applications such as Tik Tok that might be utilized by the Chinese or other governments for possible espionage against the United States. 

While the three newly introduced laws in Florida use the broad language “foreign country of concern”, and efforts were made by the legislature to carve out exceptions to the law, the legislation and Governor DeSantis’ own words are often very specific in targeting China. No amount of effort to soften the laws can hide the racist and xenophobic intent and effect. These laws rely upon two age-old hysterias of our country: Anti-Communism, and the perpetual foreigner perception of Asian Americans and that of dual or continued loyalty to the ancestral country. 

This current wave of nativist legislation in Florida parallels efforts elsewhere in the country and is nothing new. During World War II, the forced removal and incarceration of Japanese Americans proved that prejudice can be legitimized through public policy in the name of national security. In 2017, the Muslim Travel Ban subjected nationals of several majority-Muslim countries to various travel restrictions from entering our country. The just-expired Title 42 restrictions blocked immigrants from entering through our southern border under the facade of a public health emergency. 

Beyond the direct impact of these laws, the more likely result will be when a homeowner is considering two offers to purchase their home, and chooses not to sell to the Asian couple because they are perceived to be foreign, and refusing the sale would be an act of patriotism. These new laws give the green light to anti-Asian discrimination, even as our nation continues to experience unprecedented increases in anti-Asian hate. According to The Uniform Crime Reporting Program at the Federal Bureau of Investigation, from 2020 to 2021, reported hate crimes rose by more than 11%. Incidents against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders increased 267% from 279 incidents in 2021 to 746 incidents in 2022. 

Bias-motivated attacks and racial scapegoating are nothing new to this country; however, for the State of Florida to actively perpetuate national origin discrimination by issuing laws that broadly attack individuals and families from targeted countries such as China is not only harmful but also highly irresponsible. The correlation between hate-fueled rhetoric, discriminatory laws such as those passed in the state of Florida, and the rise in hate crimes amongst targeted communities cannot be ignored. 

It has been only five years since Florida became the last state to repeal its existing Alien Land Law. It has now become the first to reinstate such a law and we call upon them to repeal this and urge other states to not follow their bad example.

National JACL Statement

Day of Remembrance 2023

Seia Watanabe, VP Public Affairs,

Matthew Weisbly, Education & Communications Coordinator,

This Sunday, February 19, 2023, marks the 81st anniversary of the signing of Executive Order 9066 by President Franklin D. Roosevelt, resulting in the mass incarceration of over 120,000 Japanese Americans. Similarly, thousands of Japanese Latin Americans and Japanese Canadians were incarcerated en masse in their own countries or, in some cases, were kidnapped to the United States against their will to serve as “prisoners of war.” As we look back and mourn one of the darkest moments of our community’s and nation’s history, we also celebrate the many triumphs as well.

This past year for example, we saw the passage of legislation to study the creation of a National Museum of Asian-Pacific American History and Culture, where the stories of all AANHPI communities will be celebrated and remembered. Towards the end of 2022, we saw the passage of two major bills, namely, the Norman Y. Mineta Japanese American Confinement Education (JACE) Act, and the World War II Japanese American History Network Act. Both bills will support organizations that work to educate the public about the experiences of Japanese Americans during World War II.

This year also marks the 35th anniversary of one of the greatest triumphs of our community in the passage of the Civil Liberties Act of 1988 as a response to our history of incarceration. It was the culmination of nearly two decades of multigenerational work by former incarcerees, their children and grandchildren, members of Congress, community leaders, supporters, and thousands of allies across multiple communities. While no amount of money could heal the traumas of everything our community lost, it was our government’s acknowledgment of its wrongdoing that allowed our community to begin the healing process. The Civil Liberties Act showed the power of community organizing in how it forced our government to acknowledge and apologize for the suffering it caused to its people. In the 35 years since the passing of this bill, our journey toward achieving true reparatory justice continues. 

HR 40, or the Commission to Study and Develop Reparation Proposals for African Americans Act, has been introduced in some form in every Congressional session since 1989, the year after the passage of Japanese American redress. It was first introduced by Representative John Conyers, and more recently by Representative Sheila Jackson Lee. Much of the framework of HR 40 is based on the Commission on Wartime Relocation and Internment of Civilians (CWRIC) which helped pave the way for the Civil Liberties Act of 1988. The African American community was one of the first to support the Japanese American community in its path toward redress, and now it is time that Japanese Americans do the same. Late last year, the JACL, the National Nikkei Reparations Coalition, and over 70 other Asian American organizations joined together to send a letter to President Biden calling for the creation of a commission to begin the process for the African American community toward reparations and healing. 

As we continue into 2023 and beyond, we look back on our triumphs and hardships, as well as our solidarity in the hopes that we can make a change for a better future for all people in this nation. When our country seems more divided than ever, let us stand together and show that the unimaginable tragedies our ancestors suffered are not forgotten and are worthy of our government’s recognition and repair. 

National JACL Statement

We need change

On January 7, 2023, five police officers from the Memphis Police Department severely beat 29-year-old Tyre Nichols during a traffic stop in Memphis, Tennessee. Nichols was hospitalized in critical condition and died there three days later. He was laid to rest earlier today in Memphis surrounded by family, friends, community members, and civil rights advocates. 

Tyre Nichols is only the latest victim of brutality and violence at the hands of the police. In 2022 alone, the number of people who have died at the hands of the police hit a 10-year high, with African Americans accounting for over a quarter of deaths. In the nearly three years since George Floyd’s murder in May 2020, little has changed. Congress has failed to pass meaningful reform at the federal level.   

At our 51st National Convention, JACL’s National Council passed a resolution in support of the Black Lives Matter Movement and specifically committed to advocating for the passage of the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act and The Breathe Act, which would make significant strides toward reforming police policies. Again, Congress has failed to take action on either of these bills.

We must also focus on the local level. Policing systems are fundamentally broken and not just the result of a few bad apples. Tyre Nichols’ death shows this to be true. Resources must be directed to community-based solutions to uplift communities, not subject them to oppression from over-policing. They also define the ways community care and safety are practiced in our country for future generations. The JACL strongly reiterates the need for major reform in law enforcement, which includes independent community oversight, de-escalation of force, and just and equitable police policies and practices.

It is past time we must make fundamental changes to our law enforcement agencies to ensure Black and Brown individuals are safe from oppressive and abusive police practices. Law enforcement officers must be held accountable for these heinous acts of violence. If we are to ensure justice for those affected by the trauma of these actions, we must reform the systems that have enabled these acts of violence from the state upon the people. We can do better. We must do better.