Portland JACL sponsors/supports numerous community activities promoting fellowship and celebrating Japanese American culture including:
Nikkei Community Mochi Pounding formerly Mochitsuki (January)
Celebrate New Year’s the traditional Japanese way by eating and pounding mochi. Mochitsuki is a family friendly cultural preservation effort.

Day of Remembrance (February)
The Portland JACL takes time to remember the signing of Executive Order 9066 during World War II which led to our incarceration and shed light on contemporary issues affecting human rights and civil liberties.
Here are some examples of our recent Day of Remembrance events:
2024 Portland Day of Remembrance
2023 No No Girl Screening & Panel
2022 Organizing in Solidarity: Continuing the Fight for Reparations
2021 Day of Remembrance 2021 “Redress and Reparations: Yesterday and Today”
2020 ALTERNATIVE FACTS: The Lies of Executive Order 9066 Portland Premiere
There is no admission cost to attend; donations are welcomed.
Japanese American Historical Plaza Clean-Up (Spring)

Graduation Banquet (April or May)
At our annual banquet, 11 Nikkei organizations work together to recognize and honor our graduating high school seniors. Over $35,000 in scholarships are awarded to college bound students from the greater Portland area.

Nikkei Picnic (August)
Every summer the Nikkei community comes together for an afternoon of food and drink. Fried chicken is provided, and everyone brings their favorite dish to share. There is Taiko drumming, bingo prizes, raffles, and amusement rides for the kids.

Voter Engagement Activities (Oct-Nov)
We encourage voter registration, getting out the vote and learning about ballot measures.

Follow us on Facebook, Instagram or check out our events calendar for dates/times and other community events throughout the year.